Services in CodeIgniter 4

There are a quite a number of bug-fixes as people use the framework more. Along with that there's a pretty long list of enhancements (see changelog).

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CodeIgniter 4 Has Been Released

There are a quite a number of bug-fixes as people use the framework more. Along with that there's a pretty long list of enhancements (see changelog).

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CodeIgniter v4.0.4 released

Hey all - thanks to huge help from the community I'm happy to announce the release of version 4.0.4.

There are a quite a number of bug-fixes as people use the framework more. Along with that there's a pretty long list of enhancements (see changelog).

In particular, though, I'm really proud to see new testing capabilities made available to you with Fabricators added to allow easily generating sample data for your Models while testing. Also a number of things streamlined within Feature testing. Thanks to MGatner for those updates.

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Welcoming Michal Sniatala aboard

Hey all - thanks to huge help from the community I'm happy to announce the release of version 4.0.4.

There are a quite a number of bug-fixes as people use the framework more. Along with that there's a pretty long list of enhancements (see changelog).

In particular, though, I'm really proud to see new testing capabilities made available to you with Fabricators added to allow easily generating sample data for your Models while testing. Also a number of things streamlined within Feature testing. Thanks to MGatner for those updates.

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